Monday, December 21, 2009

The Human Condition

At times I find myself tortured due to my human condition.

I am a created being that is an imperfect image of my Creator. Imperfect I believe may be

too kind of an adjective, distorted is a more fair assumption. The imperfection is due to

my own manipulation and choices through the empowerment of freewill, not of the Creator’s initial design.

We, as a dominating species, are given the power to reason

and contemplate that when asserted, can overcome are natural tendencies. Depending on the depth of

perception at which we consider are actions and the effects they have on our immediate and future

environment, combined with our motive for the desired effect, we can produce astounding resonance.

In simpler terms, we have a great authority to create or destroy.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Waiting to Exhale

It seems that the EPA is looking to make a BIG announcement today (even though the initial announcement was in April of this year although no one noticed) that CO2 (i.e. carbon dioxide, what trees & most plants breath in and what every oxygen consumer breathes out) is a dangerous and threatening gas to the environment and it's increase could be effecting climate change. Before you get too electrified about this looming threat, keep in mind that the drowning polar bears MAY balance this situation out! In the event that they MAY NOT, instead of spending billions more on research and development or bringing together all the Climaxologists to titilate the situation even more, I think I just may have a solution, at the very least, an effective recomendation. To some, this idea may seem a bit too unorthodox but if I could just have everyone think like five year olds, one would think that is not too much to ask seeing as we all are acting that way. Are you ready for this earth shattering proposal that could reverse the chaos that is about to ensue our planet? I will give it to you in one word.
That my friends is the solution! Scientists (though NOT Climaxologists) across the globe will agree that when we relax, we have a tendency to breathe easier, which leads to less oxygen consumption therefore less carbon dioxide output! Now if you would like to send me your hard earned dollars I will not reject your gift. Just remember that I suggested a sound & efficient plan when Congress starts sounding off on how they can save you and there version costs you, the taxpayer, billions more.